Why Téchne Movie Trio?

Because someone decided that it was our name, and because we are convinced that “between the white and the black keys of the keyboard there is an infinity of sounds still unexplored“.

So what?

So the Téchne Movie Trio was created on such principle: on the search for a possible harmony between a classic trio (Téchne), and music written for the Cinema (Movie).

But the declination is not important, it is important who we are.

And who are we? Giovanna De Rubertis (piano), Francesca Romana Fioravanti (violin) and Gabriella Pasini (cello).

We are firstly and foremost a trio of young and beautiful women… better say promising “artists” with big expectations, but since it is impossible to live out of expectations, right after the Conservatory and the in-depth study of Chamber Music, we began our journey in the long-awaited concert activity. And that’s how the Trio was born!


Now, given also our age, we prefer to say that we are the expression of a trio of women with strong musical characters and temperaments who offer a careful rereading of extraordinary themes extrapolated from famous films through sound mixes that only a classic trio – ours – could generate, while at the same time showing a contemporary cut in our performances.


What about the choice of our repertoire?

It was not easy for us to choose, having at our disposal grand soundtracks written for the cinema.

Over time and after much discussion, we discovered that, after all, we could satisfy the tastes and preferences of all three.

And so we chose both tracks with a fast-paced rhythm, like “Kung Fu Panda”, and melodies able to take us back to epic and glorious atmospheres, such as with “Game of Thrones”, alternating them with songs full of emotional pathos such as Piazzolla’s “Oblivion” and more playful soundtracks, such as Madagascar, culminating with less-performed pieces as the Overture from the movie “Anna Karenina”.


And this is how the Téchne Movie Trio takes you on a great journey throughout the seventh art!

Now we really must say goodbye! Maybe, sooner or later, we’ll meet at one of our concerts.



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