When you are born in a musical family, you can happen to become a violinist and to enrol at the conservatory, and more precisely at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome.

But the undersigned is a curious violinist who looks around herself, or rather flies!

Then I flew to London and went “to pull the knives” – that is, to pull the bow – for a long time with a chosen sniper as only Maestro Peter Manning could be, formerly the first violinist of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.


While still being a teenager, but with clearer ideas, I felt in my heart that my grandfather’s music and violin, which I loved to play, would never become a “job” for me for economic purposes only, because music and dedication only exist to make people happy, and I have discovered that I am good at conveying emotions.

Have you ever seen me in concert with the Téchne Movie Trio?

Not only the bow, but my whole person is the representation of the emotions that the song evokes.

Passion is passion and therefore I kept learning about chamber music, with the trio, at the Chigiana Music Academy… How can’t I name the people who have contributed to my training such as Maestros Bogino,  De Rosa or Zanettovich, or even the Music Academy of Florence with Maestro Pier Narciso Masi?

How free we feel in expressing ourselves, in being able to interpret, in being able to move … it’s almost like dancing!

But then the orchestra calls you and has its rules, made of: “still, sit, hush”, and again: “I said pianissimo… not piano!”.

And, in a somewhat narrow dimension inside of  me, I began to ask my heart: “Where am I?”.

And that’s where the answer comes from my violin! Having been played by my grandfather, it tells me: “You are in the Orchestra of the Opera”, “You are in the Orchestra of the Academy of Saint Cecilia”…

Yes, because the violin that I carry with me speaks to me as if by magic… indeed it speaks to my heart!

It is precisely in the service of the heart, of music acknowledged in its purest term: PASSION!

And we must surrender to true love and passion!

But what is the use of writing, writing and writing again, when actually it is enough to listen?

In the end you can only admit that I’m right!


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