I am a pianist, composer, arranger; my classical training combines with a further interest in various musical genres, which has led me to in-depth studies and important concerts and record collaborations, regarding jazz, pop and rock music.

I graduated in Piano at the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome with the highest grades and honours; later, I attended Master Classes at the “International School of Lausanne” with Maestro Fausto Zadra.

I won several national piano competitions, and I continued my composition studies with Maestro Gino Marinuzzi.

Beside my concert activity, both in Italy and abroad, I have written music for movies and television: over 30 soundtracks, documentaries, short films and advertisements.

Regarding theatre, I have both participated as pianist and as actor, alongside Daniele Silvestri, Tullio Solenghi, Max Paiella, Marco Morandi, and Giorgio Albertazziin his last show dedicated to Borges/Piazzolla.

With the Teatro Sistina, I collaborated in the musical comedy “Il Marchese del Grillo” as musical assistant and orchestrator, in the musical “Evita” with Malika Ayane as first keyboardist in the 2016-17 season, in “Mamma Mia” in the 2017-18 and 2018-19 summer and winter tours as keyboardist and director, and finally in “Billy Elliot” in 2018 as keyboardist and director.

Currently I am professor of Theory and Musical Harmony of the “Master of sound engineering and entertainment” course at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, and a piano teacher at the school “Bela Bartok” in Rome.


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